+44 (0) 7938822355
About Us
Dr Hannah Scheidtweiler has many years experience providing equine veterinary care, originally based in Belgium then for the last five years in the UK. HS Equine provides 24/7 care for all horses including general routine procedures, vettings, dentistry with a particular interest in lameness. Dr Hannah Scheidtweiler provides outstanding care for all horses both routinely and in case of emergency to her clients in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
Dr Hannah Scheidtweiler works closely with numerous specialists and consultants in surgery, orthopaedics and internal medicine to guarantee the whole package for your horse when you need it most.
Based in Leighton Buzzard, HS Equine serves Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.
To register with HS Equine, please e-mail a registration request to info@hsequinevet.co.uk or call directly on 07938822355